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Comfortably Uncomfortable: Continuing the Conversation
Attendees will need access to wi-fi, and a device with a camera, microphone and audio capabilities. Our discussions on diversity, equality and inclusion in the treatment of eating disorders, which has occurred as a part of the last few Renfrew Center Foundation Conferences, were so inspiring and motivating that we’ve made the decision to continue…
Comfortably Uncomfortable: Continuing the Conversation
Attendees will need access to wi-fi, and a device with a camera, microphone and audio capabilities. Our discussions on diversity, equality and inclusion in the treatment of eating disorders, which has occurred as a part of the last few Renfrew Center Foundation Conferences, were so inspiring and motivating that we’ve made the decision to continue…
It’s a Balancing Act: Navigating Ethical Care and the College Experience for Students with Eating Disorders
Attendees will need access to wi-fi and a device with audio capabilities. About the Training The complexities of eating disorders in college students coupled with short-term treatment limitations present unique challenges for college mental health professionals in effective assessment and intervention. Mental health concerns are prevalent on college campuses, but tend to be underreported and…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
The Body Image Toolkit: Building a Better Relationship with Your Body (Re-broadcast)
It’s difficult to make peace with your body when living in a culture obsessed with appearance, weight, shape, and size. While many individuals struggle on some level with body acceptance, it is particularly problematic for those in eating disorder recovery to tune into the body’s signals, honor its needs, and resist the urge to try…
Fighting Fatphobia and Weight Stigma in Recovery (Re-broadcast)
Eating disorders are not just about improving your relationship with food. Recovery must also include recognizing the systemic forces that fuel eating disorders, unlearning harmful internalized beliefs, and acquiring the skills needed to navigate these oppressive experiences. This webinar will define fatphobia and weight stigma, discuss the cultural impact specifically on those in recovery and…
Finishing Strong: Pursuing Recovery as the Semester Ends
As we close out this semester, the stress of finals, approaching holidays, and travel can create triggers in this time of transition. This group will discuss how to manage these seasonal and academic changes in recovery. Participants will leave this one-time workshop with ideas for ways to manage these stressors, advocate for their recovery, and…
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