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Register Now for The Renfrew Center Foundation’s 2024 Conference for Professionals


Voice of Inspiration: A Conversation With Alum Carli L.

Voice of Inspiration: A Conversation With Alum Carli L.

The journey of recovery can be arduous, humbling, fulfilling, and transformative. Most of all, it is possible! To honor the full recovery journey, this webinar will capture a rich conversation between Renfrew Alumna Carli L. and Renfrew Alumni Services Coordinator, Erin Birely, LCPC. Eating disorder recovery is unique to each individual – there is no…

Loosening The Grip of Negative Body Image

Loosening The Grip of Negative Body Image

Our thoughts, attitudes, and feelings are influenced by what is experienced internally in our body. Likewise, our behaviors are also influenced by our thoughts, attitudes and feelings. Specifically, in regard to body image, when our beliefs do not align with our perception of self, we can experience distress and emotions that can drive and maintain…

Beyond the Midnight Snack: Understanding and Treating Night Eating Syndrome

Beyond the Midnight Snack: Understanding and Treating Night Eating Syndrome

Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is listed under the diagnosis of OSFED, yet seems to be overlooked, misunderstood, and misdiagnosed due to a general lack of awareness. Similar to other eating disorders, NES can have devastating effects physically and psychologically, especially when the quality and quantity of sleep is continually disrupted. Treatment must be individualized by implementing…

Midlife Eating Disorders: When Aging and Diet Culture Collide

Midlife Eating Disorders: When Aging and Diet Culture Collide

In today’s culture, the relentless pressure to defy the ageing process is as equally as intense as the societal pressure to be thin. In midlife, these messages can collide and create the ‘perfect storm’ for eating disorders to become an unsustainable way of meeting both unrealistic societal standards. This webinar will examine the overlap of ageing…

Holiday Hustle: Managing Stress Around the Holidays

Holiday Hustle: Managing Stress Around the Holidays

Navigating the holidays while in recovery from an eating disorder presents unique challenges as well as opportunities for growth. The holiday season can be a very stressful time, bringing with it changes in weather and schedules, and often an array of occasions gathered around food and socializing. This webinar will explore the stress that comes…

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Healing The Couple Relationship as an Intervention for Midlife Eating Disorders

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Healing The Couple Relationship as an Intervention for Midlife Eating Disorders

Attendees will need access to wi-fi and a device with audio capabilities. About the Training It has been well documented that the best predictor of mental health is relational health and connectedness. It is no surprise then that the quality of the relationships of those with eating disorders impacts their prognosis, treatment and recovery. The…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

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