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Join Us to Celebrate Renfrew's 40th Anniversary in Coconut Creek, FL on January 30th


Silencing Shame Before It Silences You

Silencing Shame Before It Silences You

Shame is a notoriously difficult emotion to feel.  Most people want to avoid or stop shame in its tracks. Unfortunately, the way most of us do this often ends up creating patterns and cycles that are difficult to break. Eating disorders and shame are commonly linked, and this emotion can become a barrier to the…

ADHD At The Table: Eating Disorders and ADHD From a Medical Perspective

ADHD At The Table: Eating Disorders and ADHD From a Medical Perspective

The interplay between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and eating disorders can complicate the journey to healing. Yet, understanding how these conditions affect one another is crucial to providing effective and compassionate care. This neurodivergent-affirming webinar will focus on the complexities of managing ADHD in individuals with eating disorders from a psychiatric and medical lens. Examining how…

External Appearance, Internal Feelings: Changing Our Approach, Not Our Bodies

External Appearance, Internal Feelings: Changing Our Approach, Not Our Bodies

Diet culture and other forces often promise us that if we change our bodies, that we will feel better about ourselves. But the reality is that changing our bodies doesn’t actually improve our body image. In tandem with Renfrew’s campaign for Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW), Our Bodies, Our Truths, this webinar will explore the…

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

With Winter comes chiller temperatures and shorter days, making it harder to spend time with others. Our instincts may lead us to hibernate, but it is so important to also nurture our social connections.   Join us for a free interactive and supportive workshop to help you reenergize in your recovery this Winter season.  Attendees will:  …

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

With Winter comes chiller temperatures and shorter days, making it harder to spend time with others. Our instincts may lead us to hibernate, but it is so important to also nurture our social connections.   Join us for a free interactive and supportive workshop to help you reenergize in your recovery this Winter season.  Attendees will:  …

Bringing the Joy Back to Food in Eating Disorder Recovery

Bringing the Joy Back to Food in Eating Disorder Recovery

Food plays such a large role in our lives. It nourishes us, offers us pleasure and satisfaction, and can connect us to our culture and to our communities. When navigating an eating disorder or diet culture, we may instead engage in reductive, black-and-white views of food. We may lose that connection and joy, instead focusing…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group

The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…

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Call 1-800-RENFREW (736-3739)

Talk with a Program Information Specialist at the number above to learn more about our
services and to schedule an assessment. Or, fill out the information below and we will contact you.