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Harvesting Growth: Recovery’s Journey of Transformation
When we think of Fall, images may come to mind of leaves turning golden, sunlight turning softer, and temperatures turning crisper. Beyond the sights and smells, Fall offers a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and recovery journey. The Renfrew Center of Radnor invites you to an interactive Fall Workshop focused on…
Harvesting Growth: Recovery’s Journey of Transformation
When we think of Fall, images may come to mind of leaves turning golden, sunlight turning softer, and temperatures turning crisper. Beyond the sights and smells, Fall offers a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and recovery journey. The Renfrew Center invites you to an interactive Fall Workshop focused on the transformation…
Harvesting Growth: Recovery’s Journey of Transformation
When we think of Fall, images may come to mind of leaves turning golden, sunlight turning softer, and temperatures turning crisper. Beyond the sights and smells, Fall offers a moment to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and recovery journey. The Renfrew Center invites you to an interactive Fall Workshop focused on the transformation…
From Burnout to Balance: Self-Care Strategies for Eating Disorder Professionals
Do you practice what you preach? While professionals may know all the “right things to do”, actually following through with these strategies can be just as challenging for professionals as it is for clients. Burnout and compassion fatigue can be common in the field of eating disorders, leading to feelings of exhaustion, stress, and less…
Provider Partners: When to Refer to a Higher Level of Care
Eating disorders carry one of the highest mortality rates of all mental illnesses. When a client may need additional structure beyond outpatient treatment, a higher level of care may be best suited for sustained recovery. These levels of care, including Residential, Day, and Intensive Outpatient Treatment, can be conceptualized like a ladder, with each rung…
Virtual College Case Consultation Group
Attendees will need access to wi-fi, and a device with a camera, microphone and audio capabilities. The complexities of eating disorders in college students can present unique challenges for college mental health professionals in effective assessment and intervention. Are you assessing for eating disorders or body image dissatisfaction in your students? When a student discloses…
Virtual College Case Consultation Group
Attendees will need access to wi-fi, and a device with a camera, microphone and audio capabilities. The complexities of eating disorders in college students can present unique challenges for college mental health professionals in effective assessment and intervention. Are you assessing for eating disorders or body image dissatisfaction in your students? When a student discloses…
Voice of Inspiration: A Conversation With Alum Carli L.
The journey of recovery can be arduous, humbling, fulfilling, and transformative. Most of all, it is possible! To honor the full recovery journey, this webinar will capture a rich conversation between Renfrew Alumna Carli L. and Renfrew Alumni Services Coordinator, Erin Birely, LCPC. Eating disorder recovery is unique to each individual – there is no…
Loosening The Grip of Negative Body Image
Our thoughts, attitudes, and feelings are influenced by what is experienced internally in our body. Likewise, our behaviors are also influenced by our thoughts, attitudes and feelings. Specifically, in regard to body image, when our beliefs do not align with our perception of self, we can experience distress and emotions that can drive and maintain…
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