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Midlife Program

Eating Disorder Treatment for Adults

While adults in midlife may face many of the same eating disorder struggles as adolescents and younger individuals—such as body dissatisfaction, body image distortions and issues around eating—these issues are often exacerbated by the aging process.

Within the last few years, Renfrew has seen an increasing number of individuals in their thirties, forties, fifties, and sixties seeking treatment for their eating disorder. In response, we have designed specialized programming to help meet this population’s unique needs, available at our Residential level of care.

Thinking About Treatment?

What Does the Midlife Program Include?

Our team of psychotherapists, psychologists, nurses, dietitians, psychiatrists, and physicians utilize an evidence-based, emotion-focused treatment approach to help adults move towards better emotional well-being, health and recovery.

  • A multidisciplinary team
  • Groups specific to midlife stressors
  • A community of peers
  • Services that recognize family and work responsibilities

Individual Therapy

Patients in midlife often endure stressors associated with parenting, marital or relational discord, divorce, “empty-nest” syndrome, aging, chronic illness, or career changes. Therapists who specialize in the treatment of these issues are matched-up to work with this population.

Group Therapy

Renfrew encourages individuals thirty and older to address their specific issues in a community of peers struggling with similar challenges around nutrition, wellness, relationships, exercise, and self-care. Thirty Something and Beyond, also known as TSAB, is a separate group space that allows for discussion of midlife issues and concerns.

Family Therapy

Those in midlife may find it more difficult to seek treatment and may develop feelings of guilt due to leaving behind family members or jobs that rely on their presence every day. Family therapy is tailored to the unique needs of this population and can include spouses, partners and family members.

Alumna Testimonial

The Renfrew Center quite literally saved my life and since my time there, I have had another little boy (making my total 3!). There is no way I could have navigated pregnancy and postpartum anxiety and body changes without the skills I learned from Renfrew. On top of that, honestly, there is no way physically that I could have even conceived and held a pregnancy physically, without what Renfrew did for me.

Katye • Alumna, The Renfrew Center of Baltimore

Reach Out to Us

Call 1-800-RENFREW (736-3739)

Talk with a Program Information Specialist at the number above to learn more about our
services and to schedule an assessment. Or, fill out the information below and we will contact you.

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