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(Re-broadcast) Thriving in Recovery: A Story of Hope
Everyone has a story. Elizabeth Catanese, Renfrew Alum and author of The College Mindfulness Workbook, will discuss how mindfulness, which she first (reluctantly!) learned about in treatment at Renfrew, has helped her to stay actively engaged in eating disorder recovery for over ten years. Elizabeth will lead attendees in a mindfulness activity from her workbook, with an…
(Re-broadcast) Balancing Nutrition and Pleasure: The Journey to Normalized Eating
For those struggling with disordered eating, the idea of normalizing behaviors around food may seem like a significant challenge. Our bodies are driven by physiological, psychological and even social needs around eating; when these patterns are disrupted, it can be difficult to identify hunger cues and be present at meals. This webinar will explore how our eating habits are developed over time and identify specific influences that may…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
Virtual Alumni Reunion: Relationships in Recovery
The Renfrew Center invites you to join us at our Annual Alumni Reunion, held virtually this year! Attendees will: Learn strategies to enhance relationships to become authentic and mutually-empowering. Reconnect with Renfrew staff and fellow alumni. Participate in three engaging and interactive recovery workshops of their choice. Hear a story of inspiration and hope from…
Fighting Fatphobia: Fatphobia and Weight Stigma in Recovery
Eating disorders are not just about improving your relationship with food. Recovery must also include recognizing the systemic forces that fuel eating disorders, unlearning harmful internalized beliefs, and acquiring the skills needed to navigate these oppressive experiences. This webinar will define fatphobia and weight stigma, discuss the cultural impact specifically on those in recovery and…
Sexuality, Gender and Eating Disorders: An Authentic Conversation
The Renfrew Center of Southern New Jersey invites you to a virtual community event, open to those in the LGBTQIA+ community who are in recovery from an eating disorder. Participants will be encouraged to discuss their eating disorder issues and how those intersect with gender identity, sexual orientation and marginalization. Please RSVP by Monday, June 6th. For…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
The Renfrew Center’s Residential Alumni Support Group
The Renfrew Center is offering a virtual support group for alumni of our Residential program as they move forward in their recovery. Participants in this online group will: Discuss the unique challenges faced by those in eating disorder recovery after leaving residential treatment. Receive take-away tips to navigate relationships and prioritize self-care in the home…
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