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In the Media | Ramapo engages in discussion of Eating Disorders Awareness Week
In recognition of EDAW, Ramapo College and The Renfrew Center hosted a discussion that dove into social media’s effects on body image and ways to practice self-acceptance in the face of diet culture.
In the Media | Eating disorders: Recognition, awareness and treatment
Eating Disorders are not uncommon, but they are often invisible. Primary therapist at the Renfrew Center of Baltimore, Yosan Gebre-Ab and Renfrew Alum, Lola Morales, share ways to identify if you or someone you know is struggling and resources for finding help.
In the Media | National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is an international awareness event fighting the myths and stigmas that surround all eating disorders. Join Laurie Wollman, LCPC, BC-TMH, as she discusses the importance of eating disorders awareness and resources to find help.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2023: We’ve Got The Power
Renfrew Center’s theme for Eating Disorders Awareness Week is about rejecting the messages that are telling you you’re not enough. We’ve Got The Power.
What Is Body Dysmorphia? Signs, Symptoms & Getting Help
Body dysmorphia is characterized by a distorted or negative body image, and the obsessive thoughts and behaviors that go along with it. Here’s what you need to know.
I Think My Partner Has an Eating Disorder: What Should I Do?
Approaching a partner or loved one who exhibits symptoms of an eating disorder is a delicate task. Here’s how to do it effectively.
In the Media | Eating Disorders: Signs, Symptoms, Social Media, & Support Systems
Join host, Sadie Sutton, and Dr. Sam DeCaro as they discuss common risk factors and warning signs that someone may be developing an eating disorder. Join the conversation as they dispute myths, delve into social media’s impact on body image, and provide resources to turn to for help.
Black History Month: The Best Mental Health Learning Resources [Updated for 2025]
Black History Month is a time to re-engage and re-embrace the experience of black Americans – especially through the lens of mental health.
Anorexia Treatment: What’s Involved & How Long Does It Take?
Anorexia treatment is a non-linear path that is different for everyone who walks it. Here’s what to expect.
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