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In the Media | National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Signs, symptoms and combatting myths
The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia’s Dr. Samantha DeCaro joins Good Day Philadelphia for a National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2021 discussion.
From Our Founder & President
Samuel E. Menaged opened The Renfrew Center 35 years ago as the country’s first residential treatment facility specializing in eating disorders. This is the story of this pioneering organization.
Intersectionality and Eating Disorders
Over the past few years, we have been delighted to take notice of the many affirming messages about body positivity—which is great! But what if the skin you’re in is not traditionally appreciated by the world?
In the Media | Could Your Obsession With ‘Healthy’ Eating Actually Be Orthorexia?
The Renfrew Center of Charlotte’s Ashley Moser, LMFT, shares signs of this unhealthy obsession with healthy eating, called orthorexia.
In the Media | Isolation Is Hard Enough; Let’s Stop Worrying About Weight Gain
The Renfrew Center of Pittsburgh’s Jaclynn Cosan, PsyD, shares why a focus on weight loss during this crisis is harmful to everyone, especially those struggling with an eating disorder or body image issues.
In the Media | Could You Be Experiencing ‘Pregorexia’? Here’s How to Break the Cycle
The Renfrew Center’s Heather Maio, PsyD, helps explain why this can be dangerous to both the mother and baby.
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