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5 Elements of Bulimia Recovery: How Long Does It Take?

5 Elements of Bulimia Recovery: How Long Does It Take?

Bulimia recovery is a critical process involving several stages and many factors. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect.

Binge Eating to Anorexia: Can One Eating Disorder Turn into Another?

Binge Eating to Anorexia: Can One Eating Disorder Turn into Another?

Eating disorders are more than just their symptoms. Failure to treat the underlying emotional causes can lead to symptom swapping or when one ED turns into another.

Eating Disorder Recovery: 9 Tips for Navigating TikTok
Individual opening the app TikTok on their phone.

Eating Disorder Recovery: 9 Tips for Navigating TikTok

Wondering how to use TikTok without making eating disorder recovery harder? Here are tips for avoiding negative content and finding a balance.

Fostering Healthy Body Image in Kids: 7 Tips to Support Your Child

Fostering Healthy Body Image in Kids: 7 Tips to Support Your Child

Body image is a major risk factor for the development of an eating disorder in children. Here’s what parents and caregivers can do.

What Is Body Dysmorphia? Signs, Symptoms & Getting Help
Young woman looking in a mirror.

What Is Body Dysmorphia? Signs, Symptoms & Getting Help

Body dysmorphia is characterized by a distorted or negative body image, and the obsessive thoughts and behaviors that go along with it. Here’s what you need to know.

I Think My Partner Has an Eating Disorder: What Should I Do?

I Think My Partner Has an Eating Disorder: What Should I Do?

Approaching a partner or loved one who exhibits symptoms of an eating disorder is a delicate task. Here’s how to do it effectively.

Black History Month: The Best Mental Health Learning Resources [Updated for 2024]

Black History Month: The Best Mental Health Learning Resources [Updated for 2024]

Black History Month is a time to re-engage and re-embrace the experience of black Americans – especially through the lens of mental health.

Anorexia Treatment: What’s Involved & How Long Does It Take?

Anorexia Treatment: What’s Involved & How Long Does It Take?

Anorexia treatment is a non-linear path that is different for everyone who walks it. Here’s what to expect.

What Are the Stages of Eating Disorder Recovery? (& How to Navigate Each One)

What Are the Stages of Eating Disorder Recovery? (& How to Navigate Each One)

Eating disorder recovery involves multiple stages of transition. We look at what to expect at each one.

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