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In the Media | Hi Barbie!
Did the Barbie movie succeed in expanding body representation or did it fall short? Kristin Szostak, MA, LPC, joins WORT-FM to discuss.
In the Media | WGNS Focuses on Eating Disorders
The Renfrew Center’s Emily Maguire, LMSW, joins WGNS Radio to discuss eating disorders, signs and symptoms and what you can do to help your loved one.
How to Set Relationship Boundaries in Eating Disorder Recovery: 4 Essential Guidelines
Setting healthy relationship boundaries is an essential step for anyone in eating disorder recovery. Here are 4 tips to help you identify and communicate your needs.
Genetics & Eating Disorders: 10 Tips to Reduce Risk (Even If You Have a Family History)
Are eating disorders caused by genetics or the environment? We break down what the research says and offer tips for what to do about it.
Intuitive Eating & Eating Disorders: Principles, Treatment Challenges & 3 Ways to Implement
Intuitive eating plays a big role in eating disorder treatment and involves a nuanced approach to healing one’s relationship with food. Here’s the breakdown.
In the Media | How “Barbie” is Embracing Body Positivity
The Renfrew Center’s Heather Maio, PsyD, CEDS-S, joins Bloom TV to talk about how the new Barbie movie is changing Barbie’s image and helping children embrace their authentic selves.
In the Media | Renfrew Center offers resources to combat barriers facing minorities over eating disorders
The Renfrew Center’s Paula Edwards-Gayfield, LCMHCS, LPC, CEDS-S, discusses the importance of Minority Mental Health Month and what The Renfrew Center is doing to better support BIPOC individuals through eating disorder treatment.
Dance Therapy & Eating Disorder Treatment: Bodyfulness, Flexibility & Connection
Dance and movement therapy can be amazingly beneficial to the eating disorder treatment and recovery process. So, if you think you can’t dance, think again.
In the Media | Is the new Barbie Movie Affecting Body Image Perspectives? Expert Weighs In.
The Renfrew Center’s Kristin Szostak, MA, LPC, discusses the new Barbie movie and how it may change Barbie’s impact on body image.
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