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Binge Eating to Anorexia: Can One Eating Disorder Turn into Another? Shifting Diagnoses

Binge Eating to Anorexia: Can One Eating Disorder Turn into Another? Shifting Diagnoses

Attendees will need access to wi-fi and a device with audio capabilities. About the Training A misconception about eating disorders is that eliminating symptoms will ‘solve’ or ‘fix’ the disorder. This misconception overlooks the psychological and emotional aspects that contribute to eating disorders and can result in what is commonly referred to as symptom swapping…

Out of the Shadows: Shedding Light on Lesser-Known & Unofficial Eating Disorders

Out of the Shadows: Shedding Light on Lesser-Known & Unofficial Eating Disorders

Attendees will need access to wi-fi and a device with audio capabilities. About the Training This continuing education presentation will explore the assessment, treatment, and challenges of lesser-known and unofficial eating disorders. Attendees will learn the distinctions between eating disorders and disordered eating, as well as risk factors and key symptoms of OSFED (i.e., atypical…

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

With Winter comes chiller temperatures and shorter days, making it harder to spend time with others. Our instincts may lead us to hibernate, but it is so important to also nurture our social connections.   Join us for a free interactive and supportive workshop to help you reenergize in your recovery this Winter season.  Attendees will:  …

Comfortably Uncomfortable: Continuing the Conversation

Comfortably Uncomfortable: Continuing the Conversation

Attendees will need access to wi-fi, and a device with a camera, microphone and audio capabilities. Our discussions on diversity, equality and inclusion in the treatment of eating disorders, which have occurred as a part of the last few Renfrew Center Foundation Conferences, were so inspiring and motivating that we’ve made the decision to continue…

Standing Up and Speaking Out: Becoming Your Own Advocate

Standing Up and Speaking Out: Becoming Your Own Advocate

When we think of advocacy, we often envision a scene on Capitol Hill to advance legislation or attending a protest for a cause we care about. It’s important to remember though that advocacy happens in small, everyday moments as well, where we advocate for our own needs and values. This webinar will discuss eating disorder advocacy…

Silencing Shame Before It Silences You

Silencing Shame Before It Silences You

Shame is a notoriously difficult emotion to feel.  Most people want to avoid or stop shame in its tracks. Unfortunately, the way most of us do this often ends up creating patterns and cycles that are difficult to break. Eating disorders and shame are commonly linked, and this emotion can become a barrier to the…

ADHD At The Table: Eating Disorders and ADHD From a Medical Perspective

ADHD At The Table: Eating Disorders and ADHD From a Medical Perspective

The interplay between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and eating disorders can complicate the journey to healing. Yet, understanding how these conditions affect one another is crucial to providing effective and compassionate care. This neurodivergent-affirming webinar will focus on the complexities of managing ADHD in individuals with eating disorders from a psychiatric and medical lens. Examining how…

External Appearance, Internal Feelings: Changing Our Approach, Not Our Bodies

External Appearance, Internal Feelings: Changing Our Approach, Not Our Bodies

Diet culture and other forces often promise us that if we change our bodies, that we will feel better about ourselves. But the reality is that changing our bodies doesn’t actually improve our body image. In tandem with Renfrew’s campaign for Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW), Our Bodies, Our Truths, this webinar will explore the…

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

Relational Recharge: Cultivating Connection This Winter

With Winter comes chiller temperatures and shorter days, making it harder to spend time with others. Our instincts may lead us to hibernate, but it is so important to also nurture our social connections.   Join us for a free interactive and supportive workshop to help you reenergize in your recovery this Winter season.  Attendees will:  …

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