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In-Person Day Treatment is now available at The Renfrew Center of Coconut Creek, FL!


Meal Support for Eating Disorders: What to Do Before, During & After Meals
Mother and daughter holding hands while sitting on the couch, supporting each other.

Meal Support for Eating Disorders: What to Do Before, During & After Meals

Meal support plays a critical role in eating disorder treatment and recovery. But how does it work and what steps are required? We break it down.

Free Virtual Support Group for College Students

Free Virtual Support Group for College Students

This Virtual Outpatient Group is open to college students nationwide. In this group, attendees will address the many challenges college students face while trying to balance recovery with their other ongoing responsibilities.

5 Ways a Vegan Diet Can Mask Eating Disorder Symptoms
Woman cooking in the kitchen.

5 Ways a Vegan Diet Can Mask Eating Disorder Symptoms

How do you know if a vegan diet is 100% genuine or merely a socially acceptable way to engage in an eating disorder? We look at the signs.

Student Medical Leave for Eating Disorder Treatment: How to Know It’s Time [UPDATED]

Student Medical Leave for Eating Disorder Treatment: How to Know It’s Time [UPDATED]

Making the decision to take a medical leave from school to seek eating disorder treatment can be challenging and overwhelming, but also life-altering and life-saving.

How to Set Relationship Boundaries in Eating Disorder Recovery: 4 Essential Guidelines
How to Set Relationship Boundaries in Eating Disorder Recovery

How to Set Relationship Boundaries in Eating Disorder Recovery: 4 Essential Guidelines

Setting healthy relationship boundaries is an essential step for anyone in eating disorder recovery. Here are 4 tips to help you identify and communicate your needs.

Genetics & Eating Disorders: 10 Tips to Reduce Risk (Even If You Have a Family History)

Genetics & Eating Disorders: 10 Tips to Reduce Risk (Even If You Have a Family History)

Are eating disorders caused by genetics or the environment? We break down what the research says and offer tips for what to do about it.

Intuitive Eating & Eating Disorders: Principles, Treatment Challenges & 3 Ways to Implement

Intuitive Eating & Eating Disorders: Principles, Treatment Challenges & 3 Ways to Implement

Intuitive eating plays a big role in eating disorder treatment and involves a nuanced approach to healing one’s relationship with food. Here’s the breakdown.

Dance Therapy & Eating Disorder Treatment: Bodyfulness, Flexibility & Connection
Dance/Movement Therapy

Dance Therapy & Eating Disorder Treatment: Bodyfulness, Flexibility & Connection

Dance and movement therapy can be amazingly beneficial to the eating disorder treatment and recovery process. So, if you think you can’t dance, think again.

5 Elements of Bulimia Recovery: How Long Does It Take?

5 Elements of Bulimia Recovery: How Long Does It Take?

Bulimia recovery is a critical process involving several stages and many factors. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect.

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