The Renfrew Center is proud to join other eating disorder organizations throughout the country to celebrate Eating Disorders Awareness Week, held February 27 – March 5, 2023.
Our theme this year, We’ve Got the Power, aims to acknowledge the effects of societal pressures to look or live a certain way. We are constantly overwhelmed with messages of the “right” way to eat, how to best dress to hide our “problem areas” and the next diet trend seems to always be right around the corner. The fact of the matter is, we live in a culture that makes it exceptionally difficult to find the freedom to simply be ourselves.
This campaign is a call to action to wholeheartedly reject the messages which tell you you are not enough and to embrace yourself for all your eccentricities and imperfections. Find power in your vulnerability. Through a variety of interactive and engaging workshops and resources, Renfrew encourages you to give yourself permission to live fully in your body and celebrate everything that makes you-you!
We encourage you to follow the campaign (#RenfrewHasThePower & #EDAW2023), and all things Renfrew, by ‘liking’ us on social media @RenfrewCenter.