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The Renfrew Center Launches Virtual Day/IOP Programs Throughout the Country

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, The Renfrew Center has made the unprecedented move to temporarily shift all of our non-residential programming to a virtual platform.

Renfrew’s top priority continues to be the health and wellbeing of our patients, their families and our staff. This move to virtual services is fully accessible by patients from the safety and comfort of their own homes. Renfrew’s virtual programming:

  • Uses HIPAA-compliant telehealth software and technology to provide a high-quality therapeutic experience.
  • Mirrors the in-person, evidence-based programming offered daily prior to this global crisis.
  • Follows The Renfrew Center Unified Treatment Model for Eating Disorders®, designed to build emotional tolerance and resilience in the face of distress and difficult experiences.
  • Includes therapy groups, supported meals with clinicians, as well as individual support services (therapy, nutrition and psychiatric consultation).
  • Allows patient/family therapeutic work to seamlessly continue through Multi-Family Groups and Family Support.

Renfrew has been providing outpatient virtual therapy in each of the states we have locations in for several years, and our staff has been trained and continues to receive education in telehealth best practices. With this in mind, Renfrew is dedicated to providing the same exemplary treatment services we have been known for over the last 35 years. 

Many of the major insurance companies have agreed to move forward with covering telehealth. We will check each patient’s benefits to determine whether there is coverage for virtual programming.

Patient Testimonial

“I am grateful for Renfrew’s virtual programming. Virtual programming is helpful because it provides structure to my days. I feel supported around meals, as we follow our usual menus, make our own selections, and eat with our peers and supportive staff. All online groups have been consistent with how they were when we were together at the center. I am someone who really values and appreciates personal attention from my team, and I feel I still absolutely get that in the virtual format.”

-Current Patient, The Renfrew Center of Atlanta’s Virtual Day Treatment Program

For questions or to schedule an assessment, please call 1-800-RENFREW (736-3739).

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