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Eating Disorder Recovery: 9 Tips for Navigating TikTok
Wondering how to use TikTok without making eating disorder recovery harder? Here are tips for avoiding negative content and finding a balance.
Black History Month: The Best Mental Health Learning Resources [Updated for 2025]
Black History Month is a time to re-engage and re-embrace the experience of black Americans – especially through the lens of mental health.
Negative Body Image: 9 Tips for Improving Body Esteem [UPDATED]
Negative body image continues to be a problem for most Americans owing to harmful media biases and unrealistic beauty standards. Let’s change that.
Eating Disorder Prevention: 10 Ways Teachers Can Make a Difference
Teachers play a critical role in eating disorder prevention. Here are the 10 biggest ways they can support students.
Eating Disorders in College Athletes: 10 Warning Signs & 10 Actionable Tips
College athletes are at an increased risk for eating disorders and face unique challenges in dealing with them. Here’s what you need to know.
8 Essential Eating Disorder Resources for Family Members
Eating disorders affect the entire family system, turning life upside down. Here’s a list of essential resources to help families navigate.
In the Media | New Survey Shows 88% of College Students Say Social Media Makes Body Image Worse
Nearly thirty million Americans suffer from an eating disorder, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. In this video interview with Fox 43, hear from Kristin Szostak, LPC, Regional AVP of Operations for The Renfrew Center and Renfrew Alum, Mia K. as they discuss the impact social media has on body image.
Eating Disorders & Personal Training: 9 Small Ways Trainers Can Make a Big Difference
Personal trainers are often the first to recognize the symptoms of an eating disorder, disordered eating, or a negative body image. Here’s how you can help.
How to Screen for Eating Disorders: 3 Essential Guidelines
Eating disorders often hide in plain sight, making it difficult to screen for them. Here are a few important guidelines for doing it carefully.
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