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Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 24 – March 2, 2025


Creating Space to Grow

Creating Space to Grow

If you would have told me six months ago I would make it to this day, I would have almost certainly given you a look of disbelief, or laughed with great doubt, or said, “Yeah right, I don’t believe you.”

Write Your Own Permission Slip

Write Your Own Permission Slip

Giving yourself permission to let go of the “should” and listen and respond to “wants” is an integral part of the eating disorder recovery journey.

Feeling Worthy After Treatment

Feeling Worthy After Treatment

While I’ve been facing daily challenges from my ED, my recovery voice has been unshakeable in my head, saying, “YOU MATTER!” even when I’m not willing to hear it.

Eating Disorder Prevention: 28 “Do’s & Don’ts” Tips for Parents [Updated]

Eating Disorder Prevention: 28 “Do’s & Don’ts” Tips for Parents [Updated]

Learn how to prevent eating disorders with these 28 tips for parents. Foster positive self-esteem and promote a healthy relationship with food.

Finding My Voice

Finding My Voice

In February 2020, I entered The Renfrew Center of Charlotte “kicking and screaming.” I was a newlywed, and I refused to allow anything to disrupt the “pretty” life I was portraying.

On Complexity and Self-Compassion

On Complexity and Self-Compassion

As the new year begins, I wish for each of us to move a little closer to self-compassion and acceptance. I hope we can all take up space as we are, multitudes and all.

Alumni Update: Affirmation through Recovery

Alumni Update: Affirmation through Recovery

I am writing this testimonial now to say relapse is nothing to be embarrassed about. Some demons are so strong it takes many battles to defeat them. Each battle is a reaffirmation of life.



Depending on where you are in your recovery, you might be realizing this thing we call recovery is not a one-time battle – it’s a war.

Committed to the Journey

Committed to the Journey

Even though every day is a battle, I can trust myself more than ever before, and I am committed to this journey. I will not give up on myself.

Reach Out to Us

Call 1-800-RENFREW (736-3739)

Talk with a Program Information Specialist at the number above to learn more about our
services and to schedule an assessment. Or, fill out the information below and we will contact you.