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In the Media | Can Eating Disorders Be Genetic?
When eating disorders are known to effect 30 million Americans, many researchers have wondered if there is a genetic component. The Renfrew Center’s, Sam DeCaro, PsyD, joins other eating disorder experts and researchers to discuss the possibility.
Binge Eating to Anorexia: Can One Eating Disorder Turn into Another?
Eating disorders are more than just their symptoms. Failure to treat the underlying emotional causes can lead to symptom swapping or when one ED turns into another.
In the Media | When do you Share your Body Issues with Your Child?
As a parent, it can be difficult to know how much to share about one’s own relationship with food with our children. The Renfrew Center’s, Ashley Moser, joins other eating disorder experts to discuss if sharing our own struggles with our bodies and diets can be helpful to our children or if it will lead them on a path to body dissatisfaction.
Eating Disorder Recovery: 9 Tips for Navigating TikTok
Wondering how to use TikTok without making eating disorder recovery harder? Here are tips for avoiding negative content and finding a balance.
In the Media | Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Sam Menaged of The Renfrew Center is Helping to Change our World
Samuel Menaged, the founder and president of The Renfrew Center and Renfrew Center Foundation, shares what inspired him to open the first residential center for eating disorders and ways he’d like to see the field advance.
The Renfrew Center Commemorates Milestone
The Renfrew Center has now touched the lives of 100,000 patients who have come through our doors since 1985.
Eating Disorders & Autism: Improving Treatment for Neurodivergent Individuals
Every eating disorder patient deserves a treatment strategy that acknowledges their unique experience & needs. So what does this mean for neurodivergent individuals?
In the Media | How to promote body positivity, navigate diet culture
‘Diet culture’ is not a new issue, but it has reared it’s ugly head in the media once again when Gwyneth Paltrow shared her “wellness routine” in a recent interview. Erin Birely, LCPC at The Renfrew Center shares ways to challenge the messages and beliefs that come from diet culture and to embrace body diversity, as well as tips to help our children.
Fostering Healthy Body Image in Kids: 7 Tips to Support Your Child
Body image is a major risk factor for the development of an eating disorder in children. Here’s what parents and caregivers can do.
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