Treatment That Works Series
An Adaptation of the Unified Protocol, Therapist Guide & Patient Workbook
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- Provides guidance on a unified set of interventions that can address both eating issues and co-occurring emotional disorders using the same set of tools.
- Includes direction for use in both individual and group settings, as well as case studies describing the experiences of patients with a diverse set of symptoms, demographics, and backgrounds.
- Discusses how to provide unified exposure therapy for co-occurring problems.
- Identifies and explains how eating and emotional issues interact, to address automatic and core thoughts, to change patterns of behavior, and to develop new flexibility and capacity in areas of life that have been affected.
- Based largely on common principles found in existing empirically supported psychological treatments and has been tested in extensive research summarized in this book.
- Specifically designed to accompany the Therapist Guide and provide structured support to patients.
- Helps patients overcome their individual eating and emotional issues using a common set of scientifically tested tools.
- Provides steps and exercises intended to help readers identify and better understand how eating and emotional issues interact, to address some of the core thoughts and behaviors that underpin both eating and emotional disorders, and to develop new flexibility and capacity in areas of life that have been affected.
- Includes strategies which are based on common principles found in existing empirically supported psychological treatments and have been extensively tested in research studies.