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Episode 54: Recovering in the Light of the Moon: The Healing Power of Myths, Metaphors, & Story Telling with Dr. Anita Johnston, PhD

Can a simple folktale help heal our relationship with food? Can an ancient legend change how we approach our emotions? Can a story help us access our intuition? The wise and wonderful Dr. Anita Johnston, Ph.D., a pioneer in the field of eating psychology and author of Eating in the Light of the Moon, answers these questions for us in this illuminating episode. Dr. Johnston teaches us how to see recovery in a different “light”, provides practical tools for recovery, and reveals how myths, metaphors, and stories have the power to guide us back home to ourselves.

For more information, please see the resources shared by Dr. Johnston below.


Follow on Social Media:

Dr. Anita Johnston
Facebook/Instagram: @dranitajohnston
Light of the Moon Cafe
Facebook/Instagram: @lightofthemooncafe
Ai Pono Hawaii
Facebook/Instagram: @aiponohawaii

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