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Community Events

Celebrating Your Authentic Self

Celebrating Your Authentic Self

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 • 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (ET)

Free | Live Interactive Event
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (ET)
Open to the Pittsburgh, PA Community

Hosted by: The Renfrew Center of Pittsburgh

Held Online

The Renfrew Center of Pittsburgh invites you to a special community event to explore and celebrate individual values for authentic living, identify opportunities for connecting to your unique values and explore the relationship between authentic self-expression and connected, fulfilling relationships.

For questions, contact Ravonne Maxon at [email protected].

About the Presenter

Erin Wentroble, PsyD (she/her), received her Doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from Chatham University and completed post-doctoral training at Western Psychiatric Institute. She served as a therapist at Western Psychiatric Institute’s Center for Overcoming Problem Eating and held student practicum placements at Western Psychiatric’s Pediatric Intensive Outpatient Clinic for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Chatham University Counseling Center and the University of Pittsburgh’s Counseling Center. Prior to joining Renfrew, Dr. Wentroble served as the Assistant Director of CO-STAR (College Option-Services for Transition Age Students at Risk) where she developed a new intensive outpatient program for treating at-risk students.

About the Presenter

Jaclynn Wise, PsyD (she/her), is the Team Leader at The Renfrew Center of Pittsburgh. She received her Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Denver Graduate School of Professional Psychology and completed her specialization in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She completed her Doctoral Internship training at the University of Pittsburgh Counseling Center with an area of concentration in sexual assault recovery. Since joining Renfrew in 2017, Dr. Wise has supported The Renfrew Center of Pittsburgh staff in delivering evidence-based practice via The Renfrew Center Unified Treatment Model for Eating Disorders® while integrating Relational Cultural Theory, which promotes growth-fostering relationships.

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